My Story
I grew up in a small town in Indiana. It was in my second year at Hanover College that I came to know Jesus as my Savior and not just as a part of the cultural landscape. The Jesus People movement of the early 1970’s formed the backdrop for that early growth. I already had a good background from Sunday School and Vacation Bible School in both the Presbyterian and Quaker traditions, but meeting Jesus in that Jesus People movement also led me into Charismatic and Pentecostal expressions of our faith. Looking for a church as I settled into a career in Social Services brought me to the Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA) . . After hearing a call to full time ministry, I graduated from the Alliance Theological Seminary before serving with the C&MA in churches in Indiana and Montana and 10+ years as a missionary with the C&MA in Guatemala.
We returned to Montana and I began a career as both a commercial beekeeper and an entrepreneur, trying to keep the bills paid; but always active in teaching and counseling ministry, mostly in the C&MA. I also was a part of a house church in this period and saw God do some mighty works of healing in those who were part - damaged, as we all are, to a greater or lesser degree by the dramas and traumas of life, both inside and outside of the established church.
God opened the door and I returned to full time recognized ministry as pastor of the United Lutheran and Presbyterian Churches of Hot Springs MT. The strength of this ministry was as a community pastor.
My strengths from being in all these places and denominations are a strong pulpit and teaching ministry, but also a very strong ministry to other pastors as I listen. My time in Central America and also in various churches has enabled me to have a “cross-cultural/cross denominational” ministry. You see, the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.